Cranbrook has 101 kilometres of paved municipal roads.
Available Land Inventory
As any entrepreneur will know, a business needs land, labour, and capital to produce goods and services.
CKDI has land to accommodate all your business needs, from an existing selection of commercial and retail space to raw serviced land ready to accommodate your custom shop and warehouse facility – typically at half the cost you would find in Calgary or Vancouver without compromising on the other ingredients a successful business requires.
Refer to the map below, which illustrates the Available, Under-used or currently In Use properties that could be utilized for your business. Zoom the map using the +/- button or using your mouse scroll. “Click and Grab” map using your mouse and move map in all directions. Click on a property to see the property details.
GREEN: Indicates that the property is currently AVAILABLE for purchase, lease and improvements.
Business comes easy, with lower land costs.